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F-14A Model: How to build Tamiya's F-14A Tomcat Model

This book contains detailed instructions on building the F-14A Tomcat 1/48 scale model aircraft from Tamiya. See a review at http://www.detailandscale.com/scale_model_book_review_How_to_Build_Tamiya_F-14A_Model_by_Glenn_Hoover_2017.html I take the model kit instructions from Tamiya and break them up into individual steps. I reorder the steps so that the small pieces (antennas, etc.) are assembled last which reduces the risk of damage when building the model. The steps are organized to insert the paint and decal steps in the best spot. I also incorporate Eduard’s Photo Etch sets 48909, 48910, 49805, and 49806 in with Tamiya’s instructions. As most modelers know, it can be tricky to go back and forth between the model kit instructions and the aftermarket kit instructions. I took out the guess work and did that for you. The PE steps are colored in yellow making them easy to skip if you just have the basic model. This book provides a little history of the Tomcat, photos of the model kit contents including the photo etch frets, a detailed list of tools that I used to build this model, along with a list of paints. The actual instruction section contains 1105 steps and 136 figures that tell you what to dry fit, glue, and/or paint for each individual piece. Each step instruction shows the source (i.e., either Tamiya’s or Eduard’s instruction) along with a block to mark that you completed the step.