Lessons Of A Lifetime!

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Lessons Of A Lifetime!

Every Leader feels a burning desire to succeed, whether it's navigating the corporate minefield, working in the production arena or leading a sports team, we all have a desire for success. In order to fully develop and realize our potential we need a guide (a formula) to help us speed up the process and not have to go through year after year of trial and error. The success formula that I've developed is a combination of years of tried and true experience and it will certainly help you to move to the top of whatever occupation you find yourself in. Included in the program is: 1). The 5 steps to pay raises and promotions. 2). Time is precious program which helps to organize your time. 3). Let's Go On Safari which helps to to identify the various employees in your organization and how to lead them. 4). Resolving conflict in the workplace. 5). For those that are experiencing high turnover rate the Jeckyll and Hyde program is just for for. Hope you enjoy!

- Johnny is a published author on Amazon.com

- Retired from the United States Army

- Graduate of Saint Leo University