Brady 16" Marri Sample Pack

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Brady 16" Marri Sample Pack

This sample pack is for an extremely rare Brady 16" marri ply snare. 2 tunings are included with multiple velocities for each. I've also included the stems/unmixed audio for those who want full control.

This drum was recorded in Robert Lang Studio in Seattle, WA. Nirvana has recorded there, as well as Soundgarden, Foo Fighters, Death Cab for Cutie, Alice in Chains... you get the picture.

Mics used:

Shure SM57 (snare top)

Sennheiser MD441 (snare top)

EV RE20 (snare bottom)

Royer R121 (front of shell)

Vintage AKG 414-EB (OH center)

Neumann U87 pair (space OH pair)

Coles 4038 pair (over-the-shoulder pair)

Neumann U67 (mono room)

AKG 414 ULS pair (stereo room)