The Key To Primitive Patterns

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The Key To Primitive Patterns

You can see in this particular workout, I’ve demonstrated 4 stages of
development, which are: supine, quadruped, kneeling, and integrated or
standing. In most cases I will move each athlete through these progressions
over time, making sure they can control breathing and motor control in
all of these stages. They must own their breathing and movement before
moving into the next stage. Basically, you have to learn to crawl before
you learn to walk, and you can’t run if you can’t crawl. Each athlete’s
exercise selection should mimic the stage of development they are in, in
regards to the quality of their current movement patterns. Specific reps and
sets are purposely not listed. Your coaching skills and assessment of each
athlete will need to be your guide on these specifics.
Give this workout a try yourself and see how these basic movements
can really challenge you, while at the same time making you feel amazing!