The Crown of W$E !!!

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The Crown of W$E !!!

This is a crown that one day could be for real !!!

Whizzz is a very good man, and is worthy of wearing a crown like this.

His dreams have told him he used to be God and the ancient Egyptians are his people.

A lot of work needs doing on heaven and Egypt till they're worthy of Whizzz going back there, but he wants to go and live with his people eventually.

Whizzz wants everything to be nice before he goes back there and he does not want any unpleasent suprises when he gets there.

It may take some time but Whizzz has many plans for the future and all of them are very very very nice for all, including you !!!

Like offering everybody ever a penthouse for sale in a land newly created, and providing you the means to pay by offering something of value that will be easy for you to produce...