Blogger Template - Responsive blogger template - blogger theme - 9th StreetBlogger Template - Responsive blogger template - blogger theme - 9th StreetBlogger Template - Responsive blogger template - blogger theme - 9th Street

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Blogger Template - Responsive blogger template - blogger theme - 9th Street

Responsive Blogger Template - 9th Street (New Template 2015)

▶▶ DEMO:

300px Sidebar
700px Post area

▶▶▶▶▶▶ Theme only works for Blogger/Blogspot

+ built from scratch with the latest and most modern look
+ add as many widgets as you want in the side bar including instagram feed, pinterest etc...
+ custom built unique diamond shaped share links under each post with hover over effects
+ easily change font, size, color from the built in template designer
+ matching social media icons
+ custom built search box with hover over effects

+ social media icons
+ instructions to install the theme, social media icons and profile photo

▶▶ Once payment has cleared, your purchase will be immediately available for download.