Whizzz has decided that he wants to go and live with Jesus and become God's second son.
Whizzz thought it would be more suitable to live with somebody like him.
Whizzz really likes Jesus - the top J - and would like to help you all out with an afterlife, maybe in a new Heaven.
There's a problem with the old Heaven - you have to be as poor as a beggar to get in.
Whizzz would like to change all of that and ask God if it's all right to move to a new Heaven where everybody can bathe in liquid gold.
By the way this picture is NOT free.
It is copyrighted and copies are available for sale for $79,999.99.
Look at it more like a donation to the guy who wants you to have a luxurious profitable afterlife in a new heaven where you can have more money than you've ever had before.