5 Steps to make The Law of Attraction Work

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5 Steps to make The Law of Attraction Work

The Law of Attraction is one of the laws of the Universe.  Some people say that the Universe has 14 laws: 1) the law of vibration 2) the law of attraction 3) the law of action 4) the law of gestation, 5) the law of cause and effect (law of karma), 6) the law of compensation, 7) the law of transmutation of energy, 8) the law of gender, 9) the law of polarity, 10) the law of rhythm, 11) the law of relativity, 12) the law of correspondence, 13) the law of belief and 14) the law of unity. We will be working here with the Law of Attraction because anyway, I am not familiar with the others. I am listing them for you so that you can search for information on other laws if you wish, but you will find that you will already have a lot to do with the Law of Attraction.

I have come a long way before discovering what I really enjoy doing with my life which is helping people move forward with their lives and find their personal Legend. The personal legend is the passions that have inhabited us since our childhood and that we put aside to find a supposedly normal job, which allows us to earn our living honourably and pay our bills.

Throughout this book we are going to look at what you want to do and be in life and how to get there. Here you will find tools that you can use as often as you want. You will get to know yourself and find out what you expect from life and you will open up to all that it can bring you if you open up to it. You will understand what the Law of Attraction is and how to work with its principles. You will develop your intuition little by little which will lead you in the right paths.

This book is divided into 5 parts, what I call the 5 steps. The first will allow you to find your own personality, your Personal Legend, the second will be about your Thought and Belief System, the third will be about Energy, the fourth will be about Mindset and Visualization and the fifth will direct you to the Action. The text is interspersed with quizzes and exercises, it is important to answer the questions and do the exercises if you want to progress towards your life goals. I suggest you print out the exercises to work on them quietly.

43 pages