Day 1  Family Scapegoat PDF Teaching  & Learning Resources

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Day 1 Family Scapegoat PDF Teaching & Learning Resources

The subject for today is by far the most sensitive and personal topic upon which I will embark upon since the start of my journey as a Teacher on Clubhouse. The extent and depth of this teaching will draw upon my experience growing up as a child who often felt like the Black Sheep of the family. This experience with its origins in my childhood has impacted my self-image through adulthood. Moreover, the lessons learned and the revelation received through my research has now positioned me to help others find comfort and freedom in knowing that there are Divine Remedies available to each of the listeners.  My aim for this week is to help others only fight back but to finally have freedom from the Curse of Azial -who is the perpetrator of these spiritual attacks against families impacted by the ritual of the Scapegoat. Due to the complexity of the topic and the time spent in preparation, there will be an increase the fee to purchase these materials for this week.    The cost of the training materials and teaching resources will be increased from $5.00 to $ 20.00 and the Audio File will be available for $10.00.  The price increase is applicable for this week only.


Day 1 will seek to address the following subtopics:


I. Historical Overview (audio presentation - The old Testament told in 5 mins)

a. The Ritual of the Scapegoat

b  Scapegoating in the Bible & Divine Scapegoats

c. the Yom Kippur Goats

d. The book of Enoch and the Apocalypse of Abraham (summary)


ll. Family Scapegoating

a. Were  you the family Scapegoat? Audio presentation (3 minutes)


lll. Justice for Scapegoating against the Curse of Aziel

a. What is the Curse of Azial?

b. When the Scapegoat fights back

c. Divine Pardons