The Iron Triangle (Carrollton, TX) is available for Train Dispatcher 3.5! At this iron triangle, two DGNO (Dallas Garland & Northeastern) lines cross the BNSF Madill Sub. The FWWR (Fort Worth & Western) runs a line from the west, with the Carrollton Turn working Freeport Industrial Park and Valwood Industrial Park.DGNO's Carrollton/Mercer Yard is near the triangle, with a connection track from the yard to the Madill Sub. Heading east from Mercer Yard, DGNO trains head toward Addison. BNSF's Madill Sub runs a north/south route through here between Irving and Sherman. DGNO's north/south line also runs through the triangle. This line has a connection with the Madill Sub near the triangle, as well as the DCTA (Denton County Transit Authority) north of the area. To the south, the DGNO has a connection to Mockingbird Yard (along the TRE), including various industries.