Infrared LUTInfrared LUTInfrared LUTInfrared LUTInfrared LUT

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File Size 69.45 MB

Infrared LUT

What's Infrared Lut :

-Color Infrared film captures invisible infrared light from the red end of the spectrum, light that's not visible to the naked eye and characteristically turning green vegetation a bright red. Shooting analog infrared use to be complicated and expensive, results unpredictable .


What to do after you purchase?

1. After complete downloading the archive ‘01 Infrared LUTs Pack' will be downloaded to the 'Downloads' folder or the one you selected.


2. Unzip the downloaded zip folder.



1. Open an image in Photoshop

(Optional) duplicate the layer to which you wish to apply the LUT.

2. From the menu choose: Image > Adjustments > Colour Lookup.

3. In the first field, select Load 3D Lut… from the pop-up menu.

4. Select one of the LUTs that you downloaded.

5. Click OK to apply the LUT

If you added the LUT to a duplicate layer, use the layer's opacity to control the intensity of the effect.


LOADING THE LUTs IN Adobe Premiere Pro:

 In Premiere Pro, open the Color workspace by clicking the Color tab at the top center of Premiere Pro.

1.Click on the clip you want to work with.

2. In the Lumetri panel, open the Basic Correction tab.

3. Under Basic Correction, select the Input LUT dropdown menu, and click on Browse…

4. Select a LUT file from the files you downloaded.


LOADING THE LUTs IN Adobe After Effects:

1. Import Your Footage

2. Find the Effects & Presets Panel

3. Search for the ‘Apply Color LUT' Utility

4. In the dialog box select the LUT you'd like to apply

5. You've successfully applied a LUT to your footage


Why use it :

-All You need is an editing videos software ( FCPX , Adobe Premiere , Davinci Resolve , After Effect , Adobe Photoshop ....ect )

-just by one click you will get unique & vintage look

-You can use it for images & videos 



By purchasing any files from Ah photography you are acquiring a Single Person Use license, whether it's for a personal or commercial project.

This is the license that allows you to incorporate purchased files into your own concept designs/files/PSDs, including for use for commercial projects. 

This is NOT an agreement of ownership. 
This license is non-transferable. 

If you do not agree to the terms, you are not permitted to use the files. 

Purchasing the files doesn't allow you to resell them

You may not rent, lease, sublicense, distribute,  without prior written consent from Ah Photography.

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The Full Video is Here :