TRE (UP) West Line

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TRE (UP) West Line

Welcome to the TRE (UP) West Line; a commuter/freight route with a taste of reality and imagination. In this release, the expanded Trinity Railway Express runs on Union Pacific tracks from T&P Station to Weatherford. From there, the TRE runs on former MW&E tracks (actually a trail in reality) from Weatherford to Mineral Wells. The route features a complete timetable with two rush hours and a six hour break in between. Several Union Pacific trains have also been added, creating quite a challenge, especially during the rush hour.



- Double track segment on the Weatherford to Fort Worth Corridor from T278 to T260.

- TRE Connection from T&P Station via River (T247).

- TRE/UP corridor from Weatherford to T&P Station.

- TRE/MW&E corridor from Weatherford to downtown Mineral Wells.

- UP from West Tower 55 to Strawn (with Davidson Yard).


TRE Active/Passive Time Frame:

- Morning Rush Hour (5am to 12pm)

- Passive Hours (12pm to 6pm)

- Evening Rush Hour (6pm to 1am)


TRE Stations (UP West Line):

- T&P Station

- Benbrook

- Aledo

- Weatherford

- Cartwright Park

- Garner

- Mineral Wells