Cinematic Look with LUT ASPEN II lut downloadCinematic Look with LUT ASPEN II lut downloadCinematic Look with LUT ASPEN II lut downloadCinematic Look with LUT ASPEN II lut downloadCinematic Look with LUT ASPEN II lut downloadCinematic Look with LUT ASPEN II lut downloadCinematic Look with LUT ASPEN II lut download

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Cinematic Look with LUT ASPEN II lut download

 This look is inspired by vivid Kodak film like Ektar 100.
Aspen has more contrast and the whole atmosphere will turn cyan/dark juniper.
We are close to the famous Kodak Vision 2383 film used in theaters.
With Aspen, skin tones will become more… bone tone.

In the ZIP you will find the LUTs as .CUBE and .3DL files (size 32x32x32).