CN Ruel and Caramat SubdivisionsCN Ruel and Caramat Subdivisions

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CN Ruel and Caramat Subdivisions

CN Ruel and Caramat 2020

540 Miles, 58 Sidings,2 Subdivisions, This is CN’s Ruel and Caramat Northern Ontario Operations!

Based upon the years 2018-2020, you’ll be in charge of two full subdivisions running from Capreol Ont, to Armstrong Ont, a total of 540 miles. At the crew change location in Capreol, the Bala sub from Toronto ends and begins as the CN Ruel. The subdivision was named for Gerard Ruel, Assistant Solicitor for the Canadian Northern Railway.  M3xx series trains will typically stop and work at locations such as Foleyet and Oba before getting to the crew change point at Hornepayne.

Heading out of Hornepayne we enter the Caramat Subdivision. Crews will crew-change automatically but beware of long run times, this territory is very large. You may need to hold longer trains for a few hours at some locations. ( Side note, if you have a smaller display, it may get cut off at the bottom, good excuse to buy a new monitor! )

Start Times:
0645 Monday
- Eastbound Canadian arrives on the territory at 0938 stopping at Armstrong. Like the RTC, it will be your job to clear a path towards Capreol and further towards Toronto. A successful shift will see "Via 2" from Armstrong to Capreol maintaining on-time performance. Keep an eye out for long freight trains coming west, you may need to coordinate crew changes earlier than planned at Hornepayne. For example, I held Q11131-1 at Makwa and knowing they would run short on time, I ordered a new crew for Block 383 Oba West for 19:00 and had a crew handoff within 5 minutes. I also heard the relief RTC mentions the Sperry Rail Truck is out and about later tonight, hopefully, they don't find anything!!
1645 Tuesday - Nightshift on the Ruel / Caramat, you will need to keep these trains running, the railroad is a 24/7 operation and somebody has to work the midnight shift, and how lucky you got picked! Now you need to watch for
1230 Wednesday -  A typical day on the railroad, lots of trains that need to move over the territory

M313-M314, M322 Have work en route, keep that in mind.

You must own the base game in order to play these layouts. Please follow these links if you have not already purchased TD3.5. ( I have nothing to do with the actual program, just the layouts )

You can purchase the TD3 program here: