Every living thing deserves a respawn

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Every living thing deserves a respawn

There are many forms of life forms and many worlds in which they live.

Whizzz Energy says that every living thing deserves a respawn every time they die - that way all life is preserved forever.

Although you may die physically, you shall be reborn spiritually.

Just think about that little fly you swat in the summer and think yeah it was unhygenic and annoying but it deserves a second chance - because the poor little fly is alive and living - it deserves a respawn.

On a more important note you will need a respawn when you sadly pass into one of the next worlds. You deserve a nice respawn and a decent one because your life is very precious and you deserve to live again.

If Vladimir Putin blows us all up with his lousy nukes then we will all be needing an immediate respawn to get into another world that we should treat better than the the likes of Mr Putin.

So will all the trees and plants and pets and even wild animals. They all need a respawn and a new world to go and live in.

Don't you think Mr Putin is cruel to threaten all life in our world with total annihilation.

But Doctor Forever wants to give you all a respawn to replace the life that Mr Putin could take away so quickly.

On a more macro level the Earth will be needing a respawn in a few billion years because the Sun is going to blow up. Wouldn't it be nice to show our world a huge tear of mercy and give it a respawn - and let it be reborn in a new place and brand new and better than it ever was before.

And then there's the Universe - the Universe will need a respawn eventually. Scientists believe that one day the Universe will die - just like everything else they analyse. When the Stars stop giving out heat and light and stop shining - somebody needs to care about them and give them another life in the form of a decent respawn.

Whizzz thinks that the scientists that claim to prove the Universe will die are cold and heartless. Would they help Whizzz give the Universe a decent respawn - so the Stars can shine forever !!!

By the way this picture is NOT free - it costs $49,999.99 and is copyrighted.

Please do not infringe on his excellency's rights as an artist


Copyright 2019 Whizzz Dollar Energy