Niche Marketing SecretsNiche Marketing Secrets

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Niche Marketing Secrets

"How A Small, Seemingly Insignificant Niche Market Makes Me $11,989.47 A Month With Only 
2 Hours of Work Per Week"

                                — Bart Baggett


  • Turn your hobby, special interest, or expertise into a niche market worth over $12,000 a month in your spare time.
  • Identify hidden hot markets loaded with passionate hungry buyers (we'll show you how to find the Internet markets that everyone else is overlooking)!
  • How to set up your website to bring in hoards of targeted traffic and get the business you want.

"I just had to write you a short note to let you know that your niche marketing course has already saved me hundreds of hours of research trying to create a product that no one wants to buy. In just the first few pages of your manual, I learned how to identify several, little-known markets that I can easily dominate. I found these markets using the free tools that you recommend.

I make my living completely online right now and I can see that just by using the survey technique you talked about on pages 10-11 of your main manual, I'll be able to dramatically increase the amount of orders I now get.

And, perhaps the most valuable piece of information I got from your course was learning how you increased your subscriber base from 12,000 people to 20,000 subscribers in 3 short months. That one little technique will put a bare-bones minimum of $10,000 in my pocket over the next few months. I highly recommend your course to anyone serious about making money online."

Contained In This Online e–Course Are The 
47 Secrets You Need to Make a Six Figure 
Income in the Right Niche Market


March 10, 2005From the desk of Rufina James

Dear Friend,

I'm going to show you the 47 niche marketing secrets to making the income you've always dreamed of. By using your interests, hobby, or expertise and tapping into the right niche market.

Why do you need to know these 47 secrets of niche marketing?

Because the Internet is getting awfully crowded... and competitive. The offline giants are waking up to the fact that there's big money to be made online. And they've got the deep pockets to fund extensive marketing efforts on the web.

How's a small business or home business to compete?

By cutting through the competition with niche marketing... finding the perfect niche market that they're overlooking. While a small business may not be able to compete with the giant sites on their level — the truth is, they can’t compete with a good niche site on ANY level.

Take a look around the Internet — niche markets are thriving. Practically every product or service sold on the Internet is part of it's own unique niche market — a specific field or area of interest. And it's filled with eager, hungry buyers willing to spend their last dollar on what they are passionately interested in.

If you'd like to make up to $12,000 a month or more on the Internet working only a few hours a week, with very little competition in a niche market you enjoy, then these may be the most important secrets you'll find on the Internet.

But niches are filling up fast. You must act now to establish yourself before it's too late.

The Niche Marketing Secrets online e-course is packed with the precise niche marketing information you need to know.


Here are a few of the invaluable secrets you'll discover:


Secret #1: Little known techniques and niche marketing strategies that can show you how to choose a niche market that can make you rich...and spot a loser a mile away.


Secret #2: The secret to finding out exactly what your customers want... and what they're willing to pay for.


Secret #3: How to increase your sales by 100% to 200%... without any extra costs.


Secret #4: How to find out if people are willing to spend money on your product before you begin creating it... or even think of building a website.


Find The Profits In Your Niche

You may be sitting on a lucrative untapped niche market...a hidden treasure right under your nose...without knowing it.

...And losing thousands of dollars a month! Only because you don't know how to take advantage of it.

Just as it takes an experienced miner to extract gold from a mine, it takes knowledge to know how to identify and take advantage of the profits in your niche market.

It's tough to find this knowledge. Most Internet marketers closely guard their knowledge, just as miners don't like to give away their secrets diggings. But you can get this hard–to–unearth–information in Niche Marketing Secrets:


Secret #5: How one market can be much more lucrative than another... if you have this surefire formula for telling the difference.


Secret #6: Why almost every self–publisher and info–marketer is wrongabout niche marketing and internet marketing (when you know this, you'll surge ahead of the rest of them).


Secret #7: Why what you do after you create your product and build your website may be the most important thing.


Secret #8: The easy way to find the perfect price for your product...and it's free!


Secret #9: How to utilize the highest quality FREE advertising to skyrocket your sales!


Secret #10: What you must know before you spend a penny on advertising!


"Just wanted to let you know what a unique and powerful productNiche Marketing Secrets is.

The Internet is literally a gold mine....if you know where to look. In other words you must find a niche, develop a presence in it and seriously profit.

I have to admit, that is what I found so attractive about Niche Marketing Secrets. It deals with this very under-looked but invaluable topic .

Definitely a book that could help catapult you into $10,000's of hidden profits."

Andrew Fox
21-year-old self-made Internet marketing millionaire

"PS: I LOVED the audio version as well. I'm surprised you sell it so cheap with this version included." 


"I found the Niche Marketing Secrets course filled with great ideas and strategies, all worth far more than the price of the course.

Thank you again for saving me countless hours of "surfing the net" by providing me with powerful concepts and strategies that I can implement almost immediately, and at a price that is well within any new business's limited budget.

I now have complete confidence knowing my new business will succeed beyond my expectations, simply by having this powerful knowledge at my fingertips NOW, instead of months and countless late nigths from now. I can't thank you both enough."

Doug Gray 


The Future of Internet Marketing is in the Niche

In this age of information overwhelm, more and more people are willing to pay for the specialized information they need. And for goods and services not offered in their area. The Internet gives them access quickly and effortlessly.

More and more offline business are beginning to focus on smaller niches to satisfy different interest groups. In fact, David Pearce Snyder, consulting futurist and lifestyles editor of Futurist magazine, states, "Niche markets and highly specialized products and services are the way to go for small companies."

But before you leap, there are a few things you need to know...


What You MUST Know About Niche Marketing

Warning: Not every niche market is profitable. Some niches are too small and others are too big. Some are dead–in–the–water, while others are over–exploited or already far too competitive. And unless you know how to sort the bad from the good, you could lose your shirt!

Because no matter how great your knowledge or how vast your expertise may be, if there's no market for it, you're wasting your time!


Only By Knowing How To Choose The Right Niche Market and the 
Right Internet Marketing Strategies Can You be Assured of Success!

The secret is in first knowing if the niche you are interested in is viable. Knowing if you can you make money in it... and how.


Niche Marketing Secrets will show you how to determine if your niche is profitable or not... saving you thousands of dollars and years of time. It will give you the Internet marketing strategies and knowledge you need.

You'll also find out:


  • What you must never put on your website... even if all your friends tell you otherwise.
  • The 9 essential elements you must have on your niche marketing website or you'll lose money!
  • The 2 simple components that pull people into your website like a magnet.
  • What technology you really need... and what's a waste of money.
  • Little known secrets to using the search engines to hone in on your niche market that will put money in your pocket fast!

"Niche Marketing Secrets has helped me bring my goals into focus. From listening to Bart Bagget's methods of narrowing down a winning product to identifying search terms, the Niche Marketing Secrets package is loaded with practical advice for any marketer or entrepreneur with plans for marketing online.

Certainly one of the most informative purchases of info products I've made in the last few years."

Michael Allegretto, Manager


"Congratulations Rufina and Bart!

You get 2 thumbs up for your "Niche Marketing Secrets" home study course. This product is going to rock the boat in the Internet marketing marketplace because it reveals "THE Secrets" that only the top marketers know.

Jeff Bezos, CEO of once said, "Get Niche or Get Big." So if you want "The Secrets"...step by'll find them in Niche Marketing Secrets.

I guarantee you will not put this course down!"

Robby LeBlanc


Finding the Right Niche Market Has It's Rewards

If you do it right, you could be spending your time relaxing on a tropical beach sipping margaritas and watching the waves ripple by... while your bank account grows fatter every day. You could have the freedom to spend the majority of your time exactly the way you wish. You could be the master of your own destiny.

Plenty niche marketers do just that. For example, one man makes an easy six–figure income from his website teaching self–esteem to children through Karate. Another man makes a million dollars a year selling educational material to the carpet cleaning niche market. Yet another sells reports to small businesses to the tune of $25,000 a month.

On the other hand, if you DON'T do it right you could be like the guy who spent 2 years of his life writing a book about bike trails in Vietnam. Unfortunately, he didn't think to find out if there was a market for a book on that subject. He also neglected to consider what market he should be writing to. As a result, his garage is crammed full of books nobody wants, while his car sits outside in the rain and snow!

Don't be left outside in the rain. Let Niche Marketing Secrets be your roadmap to success. You'll discover:

  • Why small business don't stand a chance of succeeding without niche marketing.
  • The 2 most important parts of the Internet equation that can make you... or break you.
  • The little–known niche marketing secret to using free publicity to get fromhundreds to thousands of hot prospects to CONTACT YOU!
  • The exact sequence for building a website in 24 hours...with or without a product of your own.
  • The secrets to breaking through your customer's resistance to buying your product.
  • How to increase your opt–ins by 50% – 60% percent... just by changing a few words on your opt–in form.


Learn How To Do It Right From A Seasoned Pro 
With Years Of Experience Behind Him

That's why I asked Bart Baggett to tell me how he did it. Bart is a master of cornering small niche markets on the Internet. Bart took a niche that was totally overlooked – handwriting analysis – and turned it into a cash machine that makes money for him while he sleeps.

But he didn't stop there. He added a few more niche markets to his name until he built a small empire. Each market contributes to his sizable monthly income. And they're all run on the Internet and require just a few hours of work every month.

Bart started with a successful offline business that was already bringing in a six–figure income. But when the Internet came around, he quickly saw that he could increase his business exponentially while drastically cutting his expenses by using this powerful new technology. He was one of the first pioneers of the Internet back in December of 1995. Bart's innovation and ingenuity contributed to the field of Internet marketing. He now speaks nationwide and gets paid over $300 per hour for his marketing advice on proven internet marketing strategies.

Here's what people are saying about Bart Baggett:


"Of all the Internet Marketing Gurus, only Bart Baggett understands how to grab new customers using traditional media like radio and television and sell your product to them online. Use his system and you will reach twice as many people as you would otherwise"

Mahesh Grossman, Author 
Write A Book Without Lifting A Finger:
How to Hire A Ghostwriter (Even If You Can't Afford One!)

"Hi Bart! I just wanted to say "Thanks" for all you've done for us. You have really "over–delivered" on the things you promised. Your responsiveness and attention to detail have made this easy and fun. It's exciting to see the orders starting to come in [from the website]. Please let me know how I may assist you by recommending your services."

Your friend, 

Keith Hafner 

And about Bart's products:"I find your products to be of top, top quality. I wish everyone did business your way. Thanks for the great courses! I've been thrilled with everything I've purchased from you! "

Bryan Dean

With Bart Baggett, there's no room for wishful thinking and blind hope — only solid, cut-to-the-chase insider advice that will not only save you countless losses, but could very well make you rich!

In this e-course, Bart shares his 20 years of knowledge and experience. It's down-to-earth, solid, drilled-down insider advice. No hype, no exaggeration, and no useless filler — just a clear, honest explanation of how it's done... and how much money you realistically can expect to make.

Let me warn you that Bart Baggett may crush your long–held beliefs and misperceptions about Internet marketing. Bart's honesty can be extremely direct. He often goes against everything you've heard and read. And he has absolutely no qualms about smashing illusions to a pulp and tossing them out the window.

In fact, if you're too attached to a particular interest or creative endeavor, and can't conceive of dumping it even if it proves unprofitable, don't get this online niche marketing e-course! What Bart has to say is sure to upset you!

But if you're ready to seriously move forward, you'll appreciate Bart's straight–shooting, this-is-how-it-is advice.

To help you out even more, Bart added another incredible tool to the package — an in-depth tutorial of how to find your niche market using search engines.

But I'll tell you more about that later...


Here Are 27 More Secrets To Making A Six–Figure Income
In The Right Niche Market From Bart's 20 Years
Of Expertise And Experience


  • How Bart Baggett made $25,000 in half an hour, sitting at home in his pajamas... and how you can, too!
  • How to know how much you can afford to pay per click...before you spend a single cent!
  • 3 Simple Techniques to increase sales...and how doing just 1 thing differently can easily double your profits.
  • The 2 simple (but crucial) secrets to getting the most mileage out of free publicity ...and why forgetting this may cost you an incredible 100% of your business.
  • How to motivate your prospects to buy now! ... without hype.
  • 10 techniques to increase your conversion rate...and how it can triple your sales at no extra cost.
  • The crucial test your website must pass to guarantee success.
  • How to make sure you don't get stuck...even in the middle of your project.
  • How to take a marginally successful site and turn it into a substantial amount of money.
  • The 3 simple beliefs that can easily transform a pauper into a millionnaire.
  • What it takes to dominate your niche market...and be years ahead of your competition (it's a lot easier than you think).
  • How to make sure your product is a winner.
  • What type of website pulls in more orders than all the rest.

And you'll also learn...


  • When to state your price up front ... and when to conceal it.
  • What you must include on your order page to grab visitors that are "just looking."
  • Sophisticated free advertising methods that work... and those you should avoid (don't worry, we're not even considering FFA pages or free classified ads).
  • Where to find cheap, but expert help for your project... and how to make sure you get what you pay for.
  • 5 critical factors for increasing believability and credibility... and the 2 most important elements of your sales message.
  • The 2 methods that are most likely to dramatically increase traffic to your niche marketing site.
  • When you should go for the immediate sale... and when using several steps can improve your closing rate.
  • What it takes to be number 1 on Yahoo... (and why it's super important to get listed there)... and no, you don't have to spend a fortune.
  • Why metrics are critical to your website's success.
  • How using the right testimonials can mean big profits...and how to get them.
  • The 2 critical elements you must include with your testimonials that will make them much more effective.
  • The one indispensable tool that automates your entire you can make money while you sleep... or relax on the beach... without lifting a finger!
  • How to structure your offer so your prospects find it irresistible.
  • Bart Baggett's foolproof formula that puts it all together and makes it work.


Niche Marketing Secrets Will Save You Time and Money

If you're serious about making real money in your area of interest or expertise... but don't know where to start... or don't know how to go about it... this is exactly what you've been waiting for. You'll get the exact point-by-point roadmap you need to quickly start earning amazing amounts of money in your niche.

  • Nowhere else is niche marketing explained in such detail — and in such practical, no-nonsense terms.
  • Nowhere else is every strategy exposed so clearly and plainly.
  • Nowhere else are the pitfalls brought to your attention, so you can easily avoid costly mistakes.

Here's What You Get in Precise, Play–by–Play Detail 
With Niche Marketing Secrets

Top Quality 83–Minute Audio Download: Bart and I sat down and recorded this session face-to-face with professional recording equipment. This is not a barely audible, hiss–filled telephone conversation that you have to strain to hear. Instead, it's a frank, personal, one–on–one discussion of what it takes to create a money–making niche marketing site. You get the feeling that you're right there in the room eavesdropping on this incredible private conversation – getting a rare glimpse into the mind of an amazing Internet marketing entrepreneur.

Transcript: But not only will you be able to hear it, you'll also be able to read it. The entire discussion was transcribed into a 50–page transcript you can download and have in your hands in just a few minutes.

But that's not all...


6 Free Bonuses For Acting Right Now:

To make it easier for you to say "Yes," we're including 6 powerful bonuses that will help take you to the top of your Niche. But only if you act now. The bonuses are subject to change, and I can't guarantee them if you wait.

These bonuses will be immediately digitally delivered the moment you take action...

FREE Bonus #1: How To Find Your Niche Market, Tutorial Guide – 1 hour audio download plus transcript

You've heard of having the right tool for the right job. When it comes to Internet Marketing, this guide shows you the right tools to find the right niche market, and exactly how to use them. This is a screen–by–screen–capture tutorial guide complete with audio and transcript. You'll discover the indispensable, little known (and free) tools and internet marketing strategies for finding out precisely what you need to know to choose the right niche market. You'll follow along as Bart takes me by the hand and walks me through the process step–by–step.

It's just as if Bart is doing the same for you. He shows exactly where to go and what to do to extract the information you need. Precisely how to get the information that will tell you if your product or area of interest is a viable market or not...if there is money in it. .. or if there is far too much competition.

Fortunately, it was all recorded on tape and transcribed, along with screen captures.You'll be able to easily follow along and see exactly what Bart is talking about with amazing clarity. And you'll be able to find hidden niches you didn't know existed.

For most marketers, this crucial money–making information is totally unattainable – far out of reach. That's why their marketing is a hit and miss proposition. But now you'll know exactly how to drill down to those hidden markets. And where to find buyers with money clamoring for products. It's like discovering a rich gold mine in your own backyard!

With these precision, step–by–step instructions, you'll:


  • Easily zoom–in on the perfect untapped markets with nearly laser–beam focus.
  • Aim your product and your web site to the right target market.
  • Discover how to determine what price you can afford to pay per click.
  • Learn a skill that will allow you to find money-making markets the rest of your business life.
  • Never again waste time or money creating or trying to promote a product with no future.

This bonus alone is worth the entire price of the package. Think of all the effort and expense you'll save by not wasting your time promoting the wrong product to the wrong market. This knowledge is critical to every serious Internet marketer. Normally a $39.97 Value. But knowledge of these tools can make you so much money, that there's no way to honestly put a value on it. It's worth it's weight in gold. Don't be without it.

FREE Bonus #2: Quick Reference Guide and Checklist

Here's where you'll find the Checklist, where you can check off every step you need to take to complete your website. And your marketing strategy, search engine strategies, and affiliate program. You'll also find the 10 Steps to Niche Market Success here – spelled out and in order.

Plus, it includes the Resources and Essential Tools section. Here, you'll find links to the tools and services we use and recommend. It's an indispensable quick reference to keep you on track. ($15.97 Value)

FREE Bonus #3: "The Interactive Guide to Computer Security & Privacy" Soft-
 by computer security expert David DaVinci


If you think your computer is safe with just a virus scanner, think again. Most computers are no more secure than a car without locks or an alarm system. For total security and privacy you need a complete system.

Now there's an easy, foolproof way to keep your computer and web business safe. This exclusive, vital guide shows you exactly what you need to know to protect your files, mailing lists, and web sites:

  • How to protect yourself from the worst virus to hit the Internet yet — the Bugbear virus which disables Norton and McAfee antivirus software, as well as other viruses, trojans, worms, "Backdoors" and hackers.
  • Save yourself the time and expense of replacing destroyed files and corrupted documents.
  • Avoid the panic and stress of a big crash... Sleep peacefully at night knowing your computer system is protected.

Plus, you'll be one of the first to see the next frontier in high tech information delivery! You've never seen anything like this newly-developed multimedia presentation! You'll be amazed at how much fun learning can be! ($29.97 Value!)

FREE Bonus #4: "Totally Free Web Resources" ebook by Dennis Bangerter

This e–book will introduce you to web page building tools, and show you how to host your site on free hosting services. You will learn how to find and use tons of free components (graphics, icons, dividers, plug–ins, etc.) to enhance your website. It also shows you how to get your domain name free, and point it to your new website. E–mail forwarding, banner design programs, and other free services are covered in the ebook as well.

It also takes you to some free advertising services where you can sign up and start advertising your website immediately. You will even discover how to make additional income from your website free!

If you want to start cautiously, this ebook will be a tremendous help. ($29.95 Value)

FREE Bonus #5: Million Dollar Emails ebook by Yanik Silver

"Million Dollar Emails" contains some of the most successful and persuasive emails ever written. It's jam–packed with real lifeemails that have been proven to work by the top Internet Pros and ecommerce leaders.

And, here's the best part, in many of the examples, you'll see the exact numbers and results from their campaigns. Response rates, sales figures, and other insider information all culled from their private records. This information has been totally confidential — until now. ($29.00 Value)


FREE Bonus #6: Press Release–O–Matic Software.

Automatically Build Attention Getting Press Releases in minutes!

The foolproof way to create professional looking press releases for any product in less than a minute. No coding involved, just fill out the Press Release–O–Matic form and click "Create." Press Release–O–Matic instantly creates your press release for you. One additional click creates it in HTML so you can place it on your web site.

Simple, quick and easy — yet produces professional results every time.

You'd normally have to pay $34.95 to get it, but you can get it here FREE!

Let's take a minute to review...

You get the complete professional quality, 84-minute audio and transcript in digital you get all 6 digital bonuses delivered immediately online — a total value of $179.95.

But you're not going to pay anywhere near this much....

Niche Marketing Secrets, plus all the bonuses, is [ONLY $49.97.]

You have to admit, that's an awful lot cheaper than what it costs to print up a garage full of books that nobody wants... and put in 2 years of your life to do it! This is a small price to make sure you choose the right niche market and gain the Internet marketing strategies you need to make sure you're on the right track. And it's an incredible bargain for a recession proof, home–based business plan.

The truth is, Niche Marketing Secrets will help you avoid costly errors and allow you to reach your goals faster.


You Can't Lose With Our 100% No–Questions,
No–Hassle, Three Full Month Money Back Guarantee

Niche Marketing Secrets comes with a no–questions, no–hassle, Full Three-Month Money Back Guarantee. You don't need to decide now if this product is for you. Just get it and try it out. If you don't agree that it will save you money, time and frustration — if you don't think that it will firmly put you on the path to success in your niche market, you have nothing to worry about. Because, if for any reason, you decide this information isn't what you need, just email us at anytime within 90 days, and we'll cheerfully refund your money.

That gives you Three Full Months to put it to the test — and all the risk is on us! Plus, the bonuses are yours to keep even if you decide to take advantage of our no–questions, no–hassle money back guarantee.

The only way you could possibly go wrong would be to miss out on this incredibly powerful information.

This program virtually eliminates the long learning curve and pitfalls normally encountered when launching a new business or product. It will transform you from wannabe to pro as fast as you can absorb the information. It'll reveal the powerful Internet marketing strategies previously known only to top Internet marketing Pros.


"Today, Niche Marketing is not only important - it's one of the primary foundations for success.

I wish I'd known about Niche Marketing Secrets earlier. What you're offering here (for only a few measly dollars) is information that you're otherwise forced to take expensive seminars to learn.

I had to pay thousands of dollars in seminar fees to get the information contained in your Niche Marketing Secrets course!

I would strongly recommend Niche Marketing Secrets to anyone who is interested doing business online or offline. For the value it gives, the price should be tripled!"

David DaVinci
President, Cyber Security

Isn't it time to take your life into your hands and become a master of your niche market? Isn't it time for you to be paid what you deserve for your expertise?


Click The Buy Now Button to order your copy of Niche Marketing Secrets Now!

To your success,



[Gizmo Cloud Marketing]

P.S. Remember, you get professional audio quality and not just a recorded phone conversation. In fact, the audio will automatically download at the optimal speed for your computer. And you can listen to the audio while you read along – the best way to learn.