Life after a nuclear apocolypseLife after a nuclear apocolypse

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Life after a nuclear apocolypse

Some people say when that creep Vladimir Putin presses the big red button, it's going to be the end of the world - and I would say it's gonna be a very sad day.

But while that loser hides in his bunker and thinks were dead - we can go and live in another world. Maybe even one with unicorns.

It would be nice if the nations of the world would concentrate on creating instead of destroying. Why are they so nasty?

The only problem with people being able to prove there's other worlds to live in is that this world won't be the only one we've got. Then as long as your out of range of your enemies warheads you can blow their world up and live on in yours.

But it would be really sad if people were allowed to prove there are other worlds because our world would be even more likely to be destroyed.

How can I let you believe there's anywhere else to live than here. Its really sad that we can't prove there is a better world to live in than this one but it's only because of the nations and their attitude towards peace. Why do they have to be so nasty ?

Please help Whizzz live forever. He believes in other worlds and an afterlife for all - even for worlds. Like if the world died surely it should get a respawn and live again in another peacefull place and in a totally different way.

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