His excellency wants you all to live forever and he wants to save you.
However after a recent discussion with Whizzz's Dad he had confirmation that it may be rude to disturb his father's sleep.
His Excellency does not want to let his father sleep forever. Therefore after say 400 years he will insist on waking him up.
I hope he won't be angry nor grumpy in the morning.
Whizzz will miss his dad. And he knows that most people are like his father when it comes to the subject of being mortal. He will miss all of you who insist you would rather sleep instead of live eternal - but Whizzz insists he wants to wake you up eventually say in 400 years or sooner.
I hope you won't be grumpy when you awake from your eternal slumber.
His Excellency would like your afterlife be very kushy indeed with all the perks and priveledges of a VIP individual to encourage you to live instead of going back to sleep.
However Whizzz thinks it's very sad that a lot of you (including his Dad) don't want to live forever and probably don't even want to be awakened in 400 years or less.
Why do you want to die instead of live and please if you do insist you want to sleep forever - don't hang around with his excellency because he doesn't want to hang around with the wrong crowd.
He's not saying he doesn't like you though, he just wants to hang around with people who want to live forever. In fact he feels very concerned about you and wonders why you don't want to live in the very distant future where things will be amazing.
His Excellency wonders how many people and animals who died before we were born that are still resting and don't even want to be awakened.
His Excellency would like to help them live a peacefull life again.
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