Working with Dryads

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Working with Dryads

My first remembered experience with the Dryads was back when I was 15 years old, over ten
years ago. Since my mother and I lived on the farm together and there were no neighbours in
sight, I would often go to lie out skylad in a special part of the field that was closed in by tall
thorn bushes and the forest trees. One hot summer morning, I went to this spot and laid out.
After about 10 minutes of lying there, I felt as though someone or something was watching
me. I had goosebumps all over and the hairs on the back of my neck just tingled. I looked up
from half closed eyes into the woods before me and I thought I saw black wolves. I looked
harder and there was nothing. So, I laid my head down for maybe another ten minutes and
still I felt these eyes on me. By now I was completely spooked and I felt “otherworldish,” as
though I were awake within a dream. I looked up into the woods again... and there were all
different sorts of magical peoples coming out from the trees and from the rocks. I was scared
and quickly gathered up my robe and blanket to head back through the field and up closer to
the house. I walked as though still in the dream. Field flowers became faces. Wherever I
looked, people and faces were appearing out of nature. I made it back inside the fence, threw
my blanket down and laid out once again. Feeling safe closer to the house, I laid there contemplating what I had just seen. I put my head down on the ground, my ear tickling from the
scrunched grass beneath it and began to hear a whispering. At first I couldn’t understand it
but gradually I fell into a trance-like state and listened. It wasn’t until 8 o’clock at night that I
came stumbling into the house again, feeling tired and dreamy.