Natural Magick

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Natural Magick

You have picked up this book because something about it appealed to you,
something that speaks to your nature, the place where your body and spirit
intersect with the environment. Like the excitement in all of nature when a
storm gathers, I have that same feeling. Thank you for taking the journey to
natural magick with me. We will rediscover our old friends: the grain and
corn, the horned and hoofed creatures of the forest, the gentle rain that
nourishes and cleanses, the winds that stir, the overwhelming oceans, the
bounty of herbs, and the blessed earth mother whom we call Goddess, who
will one day cradle our bones. This book is not intended to be another Wicca
101 book; rather, think of it more along the lines of Witchcraft 3.0. Here, you
will not find instructions on how to call the directions when casting a circle
or explanations of the difference between spells and charms, because I am
assuming a level of experience. I write with the intermediate practitioner in
mind. I write for the witch who is looking to deepen her connection to natural
magick, the priestess who has led many seasonal rituals and is looking for
new inspiration. This book is eclectic and inspired by many pantheons. Thank
you for choosing this book and for walking the path with me. Do not think
you can stay safely inside all the time and still glean from this book. Nature is
wild. Run to her. She is waiting for you.