Introduction Excerpt
One of the most commonly asked questions from
people who believe that they may be Pagan and from people
who have decided that they are Pagan is this: Now what do
I do? This question has generated some significant distress among people. Somehow, somewhere, folks get the
idea that there is a certain course of action that they must
take or certain things that they must do in order to be Pagan. Hopefully, this book will help you realize that Paganism is not about what you must do. Instead, you will
realize, Paganism is about your freedom to explore and
to experience.
First and foremost, Paganism is a form of spirituality,
and, as such, it is a deeply personal thing. It means many
things to many people. For this reason, I wish to stress at
the outset that when it comes to the exploration and fulfillment of anyone’s spirituality, the ultimate decisions
of what to do and what not to do are for the individual to