The Spellcaster's Reference

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The Spellcaster's Reference

The Spellcaster's Reference
Magickal Timingfor the Wheel of the Year

r.§ ~ on"'ntiom! teric philosophy ";'dum teaches infMm' thatu, same 'h"truth, timingbut i, ""'Y'hing in a deeper&0­ and
'"""'"' "" more spiritual way. "Tides of time" is a cliched phrase, but it is
also an accurate one. The heavenly bodies, mcluding the one upon which
we stand, move in their courses. Ebb and flow-flux and reflux. The energies stream around us and through us. Nothing stands still except perhaps
us, as we pause to contemplate our place in the cosmos. If we are in tune
with these energies, we can perceive them. We are then able to notice their
effects on us, on others, and on the natural world. If we are adept enough,
or possess the requisite knowledge, we can utilize the powerful energies of
these tides to empower our magick and rituals.
One of my most cherished childhood possessions was a toy globe. It
was just a dented tin thing with bright blue oceans and garishly colored
countries, but around its base it had concentric circles that marked the
seasons, the houses of the Zodiac, the months, and so on. I spent a lot
of time studying that globe and doing what I now know was meditating
upon its meaning.
As an adult, I heard the call of the Goddess and began following the
Wiccanreligion. \Viccans see the year as a wheel, ever turning, and this
made perfect sense to me. When Wiccans speak of the Wheel of the Year,
we generally mean the solar cycle, the Earth's annual voyage around the
Sun, and the eight sabbats with which we celebrate that voyage. The year
is actually composed of many interlocking wheels, however. Those who
practice magick do well to learn and remember this. All of these cycles
influence the natural world, and we can use them to enhance our magick
and rituals.