The Witch’s Master Grimoire

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The Witch’s Master Grimoire

Magick is the most vital force in our lives. It gives us
ersonal mastery over our destiny so we are no longer vic
ms of fate. To study magick is to study life, and to under
tand the concept of controlled coincidence. Things do not
appen randomly, but rather in conjunction or answer to a
reviously set up condition. The past is what controls the
resent, and the present is what creates the future.
In essence, magick, is the rediscovery of your basic abil
y to create. What you create or make happen today, is going
o reflect on how you are able to deal with tomorrow. If you
ere to get that much needed pay raise today, you could pay
our bills tomorrow, and even plan for something special in
he future.
Learning to do magick is like learning to drive—you learn
y doing. You take a little time each day to practice, and
retty soon you have it mastered. By learning to drive, you
ncrease your mobility and thus your realm of opportuni
es. You can suddenly go places and do things you weren’t
ble to do before. Each time you use magick, your ability to
ontrol your life increases, and the better your chances are
f getting what you want.