The Witches' Magical Handbook

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The Witches' Magical Handbook

This is the ultimate self-help book. With its aid you can reach your full potential. This is the only
book of its sort that relies on the work of real Witches who have, over the past thirty years,
taught literally tens of thousands of people to develop their powers and thus to improve their
Ask yourself:
Have you reached your full potential?
Is the life you live the one you imagined?
Are you fullfilling your dreams?
If you answer any of these questions no or NO, you need our help.
Witchcraft! The very word conjures visions of occult powers and secret rites. When we say
“Witch,” the vision becomes one of the traditional Witch with her cat and cauldron. The Witch
and her powers are not to be feared. She1 is the healer, the reader of dreams, the maker and
foreteller of the future.
Magic can be defined as the changing of future events by ritual procedures that use the Force.
The Force is that energy that is known to Chinese as chi, to Hindus as prana, to Germans as
vril. It was popularized for all time as The Force in Star Wars. Because it is a natural force
stemming from our bodies, scientists call it bioplasmic energy. Over the millennia Witches and
others have learned to control, focus, and use it. This book will let you take advantage of their
research and experience the power and use of the Force for yourself.
Magic and other powers can easily be yours. They are not “occult” (a word meaning literally
hidden); indeed, each is susceptible to rational explanation.