Walking a spiritual path in a sometimes hostile world.
We all have archetypes we model ourselves upon. In the Wiccan community these include Maiden, Healer, Mother, Bard, and others. In Wiccan Warrior by Kerr Cuhulain, you will learn of eight new yet traditional archetypes that Wiccans can model their lives and goals upon. You'll also find that they are completely appropriate for any person following a spiritual system.
These eight are:
There are five cornerstones to the magick of being a Wiccan Warrior. These are the well-known To Dare, To Will, To Know and To Keep Silent. To these Cuhulain adds To Imagine. For "to imagine is to be able to clearly visualize your objective, to develop and use a creative imagination." The book is filled with ideas and insights that will guide you on your way to becoming a true Wiccan Warrior, a person freed from limitations.
This book is a must for Wiccan and Witches of all stripes. If one of the Warrior archetypes doesn't fit your needs, another (or several others) will. People who are not Wiccans will find much to admire and make use of, too.