The Library Of Knowledge

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The Library Of Knowledge

The Challenge of Mind
"Wizardry is the type of magic that is intellectually based, drawing on elements not
identifiable by modern science, to perform various magical effects."
--“Cerberus” Master Wizard of the Hall of Legions
So, you have an interest in Wizardry, eh? Before we get into the real essence of
Wizardry, let me make sure that you understand what it is all about. Wizardry is more
focused on magic as science as opposed to magic as religion. Wizardry is based around
logic more than faith. To have this explained further, please read on.
Wizardry basically has three rules that can quantify how to make spells and magic work
for you. I shall tell the rule, and then explain it.
1. One cannot learn and focus on the parts of magic, but forget the whole. Easy to
understand, right? If you have a car and you wash the car everyday but ignore the rest of
it, do you think it will last forever, or have the same performance as the day you bought
it? Don’t think so. So to paraphrase, do not learn the basics of magic, forget them, and
then jump off and cast spells all the time. Meditate, do spell research, and collect spell
components yourself. Work on all the parts of magic and see them as a collective. The
basics of magic are what helps you to fully understand why magic works.
The second rule of magic is somewhat an extension of the first.
2. The magic comes from knowledge of the principles of its use, and in the user’s
knowing of how magic affects the environment. This one is a little confusing. Magic
works because the spellcaster knows how magic works. It is not as simple as flipping a
light switch and not expecting a light to come on. Ignorance of magic combined with the
performing of magic will get you nothing. In knowing how magic affects the
environment you come to understand the why of how spells function. Magic rarely
cooperates with physical laws. Magic bends a lot of physical laws, and occasionally
breaks them.
The final law of magic is probably the simplest.
3. Magic comes from the combined effort of your heart and mind. Simple. To make a
spell work you must have the spell completely in your mind, casting it in your head as
you are casting it in the physical world. You must KNOW the spell in your mind. Inside
out, backwards, forwards, etc. The other half comes from the heart. The magic has to
flow from your heart into every part of your body, and then into your mind for any spell
to work. To paraphrase, you must know in your heart that the spell will work. Not
believe, KNOW. Only when you are fully in control of both your thoughts and your heart
will the magic work for you.
These three rules constitute the core of Wizardry.
Another thing that is significant to Wizardry is knowledge. Knowledge is what makes a
wizard do what he does. He operates outside of the accepted norm of society. For
knowledge, he ventures into places that even the bravest men would run from. Always
remember that knowledge and wisdom is power. Knowledge holds the universe together.
Knowledge gives the wizard purpose in an uncertain world. When you are depressed and
the uncertainty of the world brings you down, remember that the magic and knowledge
are what gives your life purpose.
Now that we have you up to date on the Philosophy of Wizardry, let us discuss the
technical side of the Art. A Wizard’s spells are based around logic. This is not to say that
spells and magic are “locked” into a rigid framework that cannot be changed.
For example, if I research a spell that protects me from evil and another wizard
researches a spell that protects him from evil; the methods of spell research, the means by
which he casts the spell, and even the material component will be radically different,
even though the end result of his casting and my casting will be the same.
What this means is that spells are as individualistic and creative as the wizard who
researches them. Yes, I said research. Wizardry is best used by those who are
academically minded. This is not to say that if hate studying and reading and writing that
you will not excel at Wizardry. But your walk down this magical path will be difficult.
But that is true of almost everything. You get out of Wizardry what you put into it. But
the effort you put into being a wizard is worth it. The saying “What would you do if you
had the power?” takes on a very personal and significant meaning when applied to