Vampire Predator Bible

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Vampire Predator Bible

Sealing The Astral
The electric fire of the Lifeforce is taken by the Inward
Breath but then must be stored and not wasted. The human
body is similar to an electrical battery and just as with a
battery, the cells can leak away the charge over time. So,
too, can the battery be suddenly drained, shorted out. What
is important to understand is that there is a direct
relationship between the physical, mental and emotional
state and the energy capacity of the body from moment to
Through the centuries of human civilization different
elements of the techniques of Vampirism have been passed
to mortal candidates to suit the purposes of Those Who
Have Risen. In the last century Webster Edgerly was one
such human who became fascinated with the fact that so
many of the world's leaders in politics, literature, theater
possessed such an abundance of vitality. He, as have
others, discovered "the secret of their greatness." Yet what
Edgerly uncovered was only half of the essence of
Vampirism. He discovered that an ordinary human able to
conserve the Lifeforce of his own body will build up
reserves of power that will produce a wide range of
beneficial effects.