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Our devotion, worship, and dedication are to the god Enki/Ea/Ptah,
who (with the help of the goddess Ninhursag/Ninmah/Hathor)
contributed to the creation of humans thousands of years ago,
according to Sumerian records. We are their descendants. It was also
Enki who gave us the gift of knowledge and wisdom; the potential to
become as gods.
We also keep close relationships with the gods and goddesses (the
Anunnaki) associated to Enki. They are our mentors, protectors, and
friends. We show our devotion to them as well. Through our dedication
to them, by meditation, supplements, and spiritual advancement, we
work toward becoming as the gods.
Some occult sources would like you to believe that entities outside of the
self are merely a projection of consciousness, or super-consciousness. I
ask you, do you think a ghost is part of your consciousness? Surely
you’ve read about ghost encounters where more than one person speaks
of the same ghost! Obviously this is not part of one person’s
The point is, and you will discover for yourself, the Annunaki are
immortal flesh beings and are as real as you are. They move through
the astral plane simply out of convenience. We refer to our own plane of
existance as the third dimension. The Anunnaki once inhabited our
dimension. Though they had very long life spans, their physical bodies,
like our own, were not immortal. The Anunnaki would grow old and
eventually pass over to what we shall call the fourth dimension. This is
where the Anunnaki gained their immortality. As humans were created
in their image and likeness, we all have souls. Our souls too shall pass
over into the fourth dimension. We will gain the very same kind of
immortality at the end of our lives in the third dimension. Upon death,
we will be guided up in to the higher dimensions of our gods and
goddesses to live as eternal beings