Vampire Priesthood Bible

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Vampire Priesthood Bible

The Necromanteion
An Ancient Path to Vampiric Communion
The Living Vampire gathers the Lifeforce from the human
prey and thrives upon this accumulated energy. His
physical health improves. His psychic abilities are
enhanced. Yet, to evolve beyond the limitations of a
physical body the Living Vampire must attract the
attentions of Those Who Have Risen, the Undead Gods.
These Masters of the World have dropped the need to be
limited by any single physical body and have Lifeforce
requirements far beyond those of the Living Vampire's.
Thus, when in the Act of sacred Communion, the Living
Vampire willingly sacrifices his accumulation of Lifeforce
in a concentrated flow to the Undead, They accept this
supreme Gift and assist in the process of his Vampiric
Metamorphosis. Thus the Living Vampire is transmuted
into a Higher Being and, with continued effort and loyalty,
joins the ranks of the Undead Gods