Vampiric Personal Magnetism

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Vampiric Personal Magnetism

Vampiric Personal Magnetism
A chapter from a manuscript in preparation called, the “Vampiric
Psychic Ability”

Sinister Pathway Triangle Order
(Aristocrat Vampiric Community



Will-Power is the “force” of
Re-action. It can render all the
other mental functions active
or passive. It is the
determinative faculty and is
affected most of all by the
On the lower plane of mind,
Will-Power manifests as
Desire and is reciprocally
influenced by outside
attractions as well as
repulsions. On this plane the
“Will” is not free. But when it
draws the volition for
externalising itself from
“Within in the Dark Light of
the Abyssal Reason”, then
indeed is it Will-Power. On the
material the human will is a
slave; on the dark or sinister
plane it is the sovereign. It
may then be truly called the “awakened” will. It is my conviction ever since my
interests in the “Dark” since 1998, that the perpetual crossing of swords between
the “Determinists and the Libertarians” can be set at rest only by a right
understanding of the psychic make-up of man, otherwise the arguments of both
sets of thinkers are equally strong. Each side has got hold of half the truth, but
requires the reconciling light of Psychology and Psychosynthesis in order to
enable us to see the whole truth as it is. However, the point I am driving at is
that your will is free only when it is self-determined, when it has risen above the
impulses of worn-out traditional religions as the Abrahamic Faiths, and acts
under the direction of the Abyssal Impersonal Self. In order to fix this most
important truth in your mind, let me give you a brief idea of the “I AM”
consciousness. Do not pass this by as so much dry rot. No one will ever or can
ever manifest genuine Will-Force of a distinctly spiritual type who does not
understand the “I AM” consciousness or psychic mind.