Vampires: The Occult Truth

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Vampires: The Occult Truth

"There are such beings as vampires...."
With those words, Dr. Van Helsing, in thé novel Dracula,
began his lecture on thé powers of thé undead. Of course,
books like Dracula are fiction, right?
Well, that novel is, and even though Vlad Dracula was a
real man, there is no évidence to support that he ever became
an undead créature of thé night. However, there are real vampires, though they might not always take thé form that most
people expect.
In thé pages that follow, we'll take a look at thé différent
types of vampires found in thé world, and explore thé hidden,
or occult, truth behind each. So, curl up in your favorite spot,
and prépare to learn thé facts about what most believe to be
only fiction....