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The O.R.H.E.B. [ORB] is the collectively agreed translations of ancient tablets, scrolls, cave carvings and other literatures by our generations tops scholars, linguist, historians and archeological savants. The TRUER tellings of Humanity's beginnings. These are the historical records/stories that became today's religions. Stories such as Adam & Eve (Adamu & Ti'amat), Cain & Able (Ka-in & Abael), The Tower Of Babel, etc. etc. Learn what you were never meant to know. This isn't just a book, it's the TRUER tellings of the origins of humanity as best translated with the mind blowing E.T. elements left in. Modern man (Homo-Sapien) arose from the "missing link", it's not missing anymore it's right here explained. Your idea of God will be expanded, your knowledge of our original purpose will be widened, you'll become a scholar of TRUER information after reading this telling of modern humanity's beginnings.