Killers of All Evil

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Killers of All Evil

Silver has been added to the W$E Egyptian altar.

It is the silver that belongs to Whizzz Dollar Energy. The guy who made a weight of the Universe in the silver of a good man's tongue, but not his own.

He made this the night his soul was weighed by a guy by the name of Wizard -The Wizard of Wever and the owner of the tongue that was not Whizzz's tongue.

That night and the next day Whizzz lost control of everything he could say like a Wizard was saying riddles with Whizzz's mouth.

Wizard told Whizzz that he knew him from a past life and that he was his friend and neighbour.

He said Whizzz was murdered by a Devil in his home which contained the Wonder of Whizzzdom.

Wizard truly is a good man. He had let Whizzz win in the final judgement of the legality of his soul and proved that his life is worth more than the Universe.

By the way His Excellency Donald Trump has had an exclusive free preview of this multi-million-Dollar real premium download.


Please support America and encourage Mr Trump to be nice.