Whizzzdom of the righteousest

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Whizzzdom of the righteousest

This is the blueprint for the Whizzzdoms of the righteousest.

Whizzz made them today. The smallest is a little bigger than a molecule. The bigger ones are more than a lot bigger than the Universe.

They are very very nice worlds, for people who are nicer than nice only.

Only the worthy may enter.

If you think you would like to be made worthy of entering these Whizzzdoms, and if you would like to buy a download, then his excellency may award you a super-vip ticket with unlimited access.

You could go for a holiday or even spend longer than forever there with unlimited access. You may come and go as you please, as long as you are worthy.



Please note that this is not guaranteed but Whizzz would like to invite the buyers of this premium download to the Whizzzdoms of the righteousest. To dwell under the power of his excellency's righteousness.