28 Day Jump Workout
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28 Day Jump Workout

Welcome to my 28---Day Workout designed to build a body that performs like an ANDROID.

Please understand this…In 28 days, you will not transform into an new human or an Android. Rather, you will be challenged to start training your body with bands and bodyweight in ways that most people are not willing to attempt or consider.

Are You Ready for this??? Only you can answer that. Android was not built in a day, but he was blessed with some amazing genetics that gave him a definite advantage over the average human being. However, everyone has to start somewhere, and like with most of my training programs, there will be exercise progressions and regressions that will allow you to train.

There is levels and steps to vertical training, by the time you go through all the training that i have to offer and start to understand my philosophy and apply my techniques, i guarantee you will have unlocked your very own maximum vertical supremacy dna code! 


Nutrition + Videos + Workouts = RESULTS