Crown of Staffordshire

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Crown of Staffordshire

Yesterday his excellency Whizzz Dollar Energy made Whizzzstaffordshire.

Today Whizzz made his crown of Staffordshire and the crowns of the copies of Whizzzstaffordshire.

Whizzzstaffordshire and it's copies are places for every dweller of Staffordshire to have a good time in, with the benefits of the doer of Whizzzrighteousness.

His Excellency has made benefit packages for all those who are worthy of living in Whizzzstaffordshire. But Whizzz does not do handouts nor does he do money for nothing.

However he will make all the dwellers of Whizzzstaffordshires earn their benefit packages by doing things to serve the doer of Whizzzrighteoussness who is his excellency Whizzz Dollar Energy.