3 BY 3 – Get three Series with three gradients each for an affordable price.
This is a selection of our best gradients so far. People use it as a desktop or smartphone wallpaper, as backgrounds for designs and even for websites. It's up to you. It looks awesome in all different sizes and in almost all conditions, especially print, because it was designed to do that.
Here is what you get:
The Shizuoka Series
(Mount Fuji; Mountain River; Vibrant Valley)
The Storm Series
(Shallow Thunder; Blue Flames; Isotope Air)
The Chloro Series
(Photosynthesis; Osmosis; Diffusion)
This Package includes a PDF with a short description to each Series. All nine gradients are 2048x2048 Pixels and for private use only.
Questions, problems or not sure? Don't hesitate to contact us.