JV Spawner

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JV Spawner

Get Loads Of Affiliates To Promote Your Software Or Ebook, Even If Your Sales Copy Totally Sucks"

"Now You Can Take The Proven Strategy Used By Hundreds Of The Internet's Most Successful Software Companies  

...And Combine It With The Power Of One Of The Most Effective Affiliate Marketing Solutions Ever Devised"

Dear Friend,

You probably already know that writing good, effective sales copy can be really hard.

In the space of a single web page, you have to convince your prospect that you are offering a valuable product, worthy of their hard-earned cash.

Many online marketers have NEVER mastered this technique and probably never will.

With good copywriters charging thousands of dollars - and usually offering no guarantees of success, you may be thinking that there's just no easy way to market your own product on the Internet.

However there is a solution - and it's already being used by hundreds of companies and generating Millions of Dollars in Profits.

This powerful solution is actually nothing new. In fact, it's quite simple...

"You let the customer try your product for FREE before they buy it"

With this solution, you don't have to convince your buyer that your product is worth their money - or offer money-back guarantees to try and win their confidence.

All you need to do is give them a trial version of your product which stops working after a certain period of time. They can then try the product for themselves without cost or risk.

There's NO hard selling, NO refunds and NO hassles.

What's more there are many sites on the Internet where you can advertise the trial version of your product completely FREE, generating additional business with virtually zero effort.

All you need to take advantage of this powerful selling solution is a way to create a trial version of your product.

Now I'm going to show you a quick and easy system that will create a trial version of just about any product - in a matter of seconds and with just a few mouse clicks...

Get Loads Of Affiliates Promoting Your Products...

Having loads of affiliates promoting your product is a sure-fire road to success.

The "catch" is that there's a lot of competition out there for good affiliates.

So your affiliate program needs an "edge" - something that other people don't offer.

That's where the true power of JV Spawner comes into play...

JV Spawner allows your affiliates to give away trial versions of your product branded with their affiliate ID

They can give away the product however they want - to as many people as possible, knowing that they will earn valuable commissions on every sale.

When customers want to upgrade from the trial version to the full version of your product, they are automatically sent to the affiliate's link for your product, ensuring that they earn the commission.

With the trial version of your product doing all the marketing for you, this offers a great way for both you and your affiliates to make easy money.

Of course to make this work, you need a special brander which your affiliates can use to brand the trial version of your product.