Whizzz Forever Energy

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Whizzz Forever Energy

Whizzz Forever Energy is one of his excellency's names.

He thinks it might be more suitable than Dollar as his middle name.

The most important thing to Whizzz is to live forever. He's felt like that for longer than he's lived.

So Forever sounds like a better name for Whizzz.

Whizzz has asked many people if they want to live forever and a lot of them have said they don't want to live forever.

But Whizzz would miss them, just like he'd miss you, if you died and never came back.

So Whizzz would like to respect their wishes but also respect his - and bring them back at a time that's suitable for them, but also letting them rest for a while - Whizzz wants to bring them back every now and then - forever.

So the name Whizzz Forever Energy is the name of a guy who lives forever and who gives a respawn about every life that's ever lived ever.

And if you want to and/or you should live forever - Whizzz Forever Energy would like to make you live forever and then you will never die.

So do you want to live forever ?