Surviving The 7 Deadly Storms Of Marriage/Relationships

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Surviving The 7 Deadly Storms Of Marriage/Relationships

You've finally found the courage to say "I Do", you've read the program and asked the 7 critical questions and now you're on your way. Just as you thought you had it all together and figured out Deadly Storm #1 blows into town. You scramble to survive it when storms 2-7 come in with hurricane force winds.

You look around at your mate and wonder how this could happen to you. Marriage is one of the most wonderful treats you will ever experience in life but as you navigate it you will realize that within your first three (3) years of marriage you will be hit with 7 deadly challenges (deadly storms) that threaten to destroy all that you've dreamed of. Welcome to the program.

In this program you will be introduced to the 7 Deadly Storms that all marriages experiences at some point and in some form within the first three years. Survive these as I know you can and you will be well on your way to enjoying the rest of your marriage with the one you love. I need you to survive so let's get started!


- Has been married for 36 years

- A published Author on

- Retired from the United States Army

- Founder of The Hargrove Leadership Academy