Baby Bar Six Month Study Schedule

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Baby Bar Six Month Study Schedule

We have created an Excel workbook that acts as both a schedule in preparation for the Baby Bar but also acts as a tracking guide to track your ongoing progress.  The schedule breaks down what to study and when to study those subjects in order to maximize your passing potential.  By following this schedule you will complete 2,495 Multiple Choice Questions and over 50+ essays in preparation for the Baby Bar.  The schedule allows you to track your progress in multiple-choice questions over time and sets progress goals for you!

The guide breaks down Torts, Criminal Law, and Contracts into five distinct areas so that you can identify areas of weakness and focus on the areas you need improvement in the most.  The guide is a locked spreadsheet so that you cannot accidentally make changes.  However, if you want to make changes there is a password to unlock the ability to make those changes (password: change).

This is a tried and true method for preparing for the Baby Bar!  Get your schedule today and rest assured you have a game plan and can track your progress!